A unique arts event – “Constants & Variables – as Part of the Understanding The Ritual Exhibition” – takes place at The Storey today (Friday 26th June) from noon, featuring the work of Adam York Gregory and Gillian Jane Lees.
Gillian has created a pattern, cut and sewn a dress from paper. Adam has created ink using candles, gum arabic and water. Wearing the white paper dress and using a metal teaspoon, Gillian will transfer twenty full vials, across her lap, into twenty empty vials.

The task is complete once all the ink has been transferred from one set of glass vials to the other. each drop spilled represents a degree of failure, indelibly marked and recorded on the white paper.
By their very presence, the audience will be recorded as variables in this performative experiment.
Gillian Jane Lees is the co-artistic director of Proto-type and a freelance performer and collaborator. Adam York Gregory is a scientist, visual artist and film maker.
Together their practice seeks to explore the notion of ‘the imagined ideal’ through subjective performance, objective experimentation, documentation and observation.
• “Constants & Variables – as Part of the Understanding The Ritual Exhibition” 12 – 6.00pm, The Storey Gallery Friday 26th June 2015.
• You can see more of Gillian and Adam’s work at www.aworkinghypothesis.co.uk