Carnival of Culture Houses ProjectLancaster’s Carnival of Culture opened “Houses”, its community art project created by the citizens of Lancaster this weekend.

The exhibition, on displayed in the window of 12 New Street, Lancaster until 20th June, illustrates what Lancaster citizens believe to be the spirit of the community, or what they would like to see happening in their city. On the 20th June, the houses will be distributed in Market Square.

The houses project is a community arts project that encourages people to create a piece of art and/or text within a pre-constructed template of a plain white house. Five templates or more are given to each member of our community (friends, work mates) who in turn distribute them to the people that are members of their day to day life (work, school, etc.).

When completed, the A4 template is then built by a group of volunteers with the artwork or text on the inside visible through a door. Each house represents what lies beneath the simple architectural facades which we see in our everyday lives.

• For more information about the project or visit