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Kim Moore |
Fans will be celebrating five years of “April Poets” poetry with a touch of class and a dash of music next month at the Storey with a special anniversary event.
On the bill on Thursday 15th Octiber will be Lindsey Holland, offering her hauntingly beautiful poems of love and fear; the tender, imaginative and clear-eyed David Borrott; Hubert Moore, who has a knack for conjuring the closeness and reality of what he hears and experiences in his verses; and Kim Moore, delivering her usual blend of richly imagined and exuberant poems.
Also on the bill is high wire act
and music from
John Woodward, the voice of the guitar expressing such longings
to celebrate this, the group’s tenth event.
The evening will be kick-started
from the floor by invited members of the support team.
Another poetry event that may be of interest in November is “Remix the Poet: What song offers poetry”. Learn to turn a poem into a song and back into a poem. Edit with your ears and see how the process impacts your imagining of a poem’s potential.
In this playful, exploratory workshop poet Sarah Hymas and musician Steve Lewis will be using the song form to transform the way you think about writing.
Using a variety of activities, writing and thinking time, discussions, silence and time outdoors, Sarah and musician Steve will share their practice as collaborators and turn the volume up on your own processes.
Hymas and Lewis have been making spoken and sung performances and installations for audiences around the North of England and Scotland since 2004.
“We have found that setting poetry to music encourages the light in. Once the words are sung, resonances spark, new phrases are found, and different ways of speaking them emerge. The poem matures. This workshop will offer you alternative ways of editing and give you a fresh confidence in your writing and how you share it.”
Attending the workshop includes the option to air the results of the day at the following week’s Spotlight Club in Lancaster.
All writers, of any genre and experience level, are welcome.
• April Poets, Thursday 15th October 7.30 pm The Storey Auditorium, Meeting House Lane, Lancaster, LA1 1TH. Doors open 7.00 for 7.30pm £4 or £2 unwaged www.aprilpoets.org.uk or join us on the April Poets Facebook page
• Remix the Poet: What song offers poetry 10 – 4.00pm Saturday 14 November, The Olive Room, Gregson Centre, Lancaster, LA1 3PY workshop costs Early Birds £60 (available until 30th September)
Full Price (or post 30th September) £80. Booking info here: http://sarahhymas.net/facilitator/writing-workshops/remix-the-poet/