Lancaster City Council is inviting residents to submit their ideas on which local issues should be considered by its Overview and Scrutiny Committee this year.

Whether it’s a problem with a local park, a council service or an issue you feel the council should lead on and help to improve, the committee wants to hear from you.

All suggestions will be considered and those which would benefit from further investigation may lead to a task group being formed to focus on the issue and determine the best way forward.

In recent years various task groups have made a number of recommendations to the Council, Cabinet and other agencies, with the intention of helping to make real improvements to the lives of residents in the district.

If you have a particular issue that you wish to be examined in this way, please send it to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, c/o Democratic Services, Town Hall, Dalton Square, Lancaster, LA1 1PJ, by email to or telephone 01524 582047.

• All meetings are open to the public and normally held at Morecambe Town Hall. For further information on the council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee visit