This page was last updated on Sunday 13th March 2022
COVID-19 / Coronavirus is an illness that has spread worldwide that can affect your lungs and breathing. It’s caused by a type of virus called a coronavirus. Its specific name is COVID-19. It is highly infectious and, while most people recover, especially those vaccinated against it, it can be serious or fatal.

Read the NHS Advice For Everyone (Coronavirus (COVID 19) on how to protect yourself and others from catching this new infection, and what to do if you catch it or were in contact with someone else who has it. Please check it regularly for updates and follow advice to the letter.
Click this link for: NHS Advice For Everyone (Coronavirus (COVID 19)
If you think you have symptoms or may be infected do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital for advice. You should voluntarily self-isolate and not go out. You could easily spread it to other people. Read the NHS advice. You can also visit NHS 111 Online for advice and help, or phone 111.
The NHS will contact you if they know you are at particularly high risk of getting seriously ill with coronavirus. You’ll be given specific advice about what to do.
NHS Morecambe Bay – Covid-19 Advice
If you are extremely vulnerable to COVID 19 you can register on the GOV.UK coronavirus support database and get help, such as essential food deliveries. You will need your NHS number.
The current government advice on COVID-19 is here (for England, with links for other countries within the United Kingdom) – this link was added on 18th September 2021
Coronavirus remains a serious health risk. You should stay cautious to help protect yourself and others.
- Let fresh air in if you meet indoors. Meeting outdoors is safer
- Wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces where you come into contact with people you do not normally meet
- Get tested and self-isolate if required
- If you haven’t already, get vaccinated
NHS Morecambe Bay – Covid-19 Advice
Mental Health: For people struggling with their mental health, then Positive Futures #positivefuturesnorthwest are a local charity working virtually
There have been a number of changes to local council services. These have been adapted to meet the needs of the current situation.
Lancaster City Council: Coronavirus Advice
Lancaster City Council: What you can do to help your family, friends, neighbours and our community Also lists local organisations offering help for those in severe need: local foodbanks, organisations delivering food parcels and meals, and phone support.
Lancashire County Council Services: Coronavirus
Eggcup Food Redistribution – delivers packs of donated food to people in need. Please donate surplus stock, Visit them on Facebook too.
Lancaster District Urgent Response Fund Morecambe Bay Foundation (established by Lancaster District CVS) has set up an Urgent Response Fund you can donate money to, to provide financial support to community organisations across the Lancaster district that are working to mitigate the impact of the outbreak.
LCC lists local organisations offering help for those in severe need: local foodbanks and organisations delivering food parcels and meals.
If you are extremely vulnerable to COVID 19 you can register on this Goverment’s database and get help with essential or priority food deliveries. You will need your NHS number.
Lots of local food suppliers and producers are now offering home deliveries. For an updated list see: Visit Lancaster: Coronavirus
If a lockdown is reintroduced, and this is unlikely at this time (March 2022) be aware only a small group of retailers may be allowed to stay open, including:
Off Licences
Medical Services
Bicycle Shops
Corner Shops & Newsagents
Hardware stores
Banks, Building Socs, Credit Unions
Post Offices
Petrol stations
Car rental
Garage repair Shops
Storage & Distribution Facilities
Market Stalls selling essential items
Vets & Pet Shops
Retail shops in hospitals
Laundrettes & Dry Cleaners
Funeral Homes
Some of these have had to close or are only seeing people by appointment. Check before you go.
For a list of Community and Healthcare support providers try: Visit Lancaster: Coronavirus. (used to be Lancaster Tourism! Respect!)
Eggcup Local organisation that collects donated food and redistributes it as food parcels to people in need. Visit them on facebook
Lancaster Coronavirus Support Line This is a community-led response coordinated by Hope Church Lancaster, to offer support to people in need due to the ongoing Coronavirus situation.
Lancaster CVS supports the voluntary sector and supports and promotes volunteering across the district.
Lancaster Acorn Coronovirus Community Support – volunteers who help with shopping, prescription collection, post etc for isolates. Individuals needing help can apply for it through their online form.
Does your Community Service need volunteers to tackle the demands of Covid-19? Acorn will try to link you up with some. There’s an online form
Lancaster and Morecambe Support Group – Coronavirus is on facebook
Lancaster Business Support during Covid-19 is on facebook
Most local faith groups are offering online support. Check their websites.
GOV.UK Covid 19 Guidance and Support for businesses, employers and employees.
Lancaster & District Chamber of Commerce Coronavirus Advice for Businesses
HMRC: Coronavirus Online Advice. Scroll down to ‘Featured’ items for current changes.
HMRC has set up a help line specifically for the self employed and businesses who are struggling due to the Pandemic. The Coronavirus helpline: 0800 024 1222, open Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm. They will give you advice on your tax and benefits.
Lancashire County Council: Schools Local schools are closed except to particularly vulnerable children and children of key workers. If you think your child qualifies, contact your individual school for more information.
Lancaster University: Coronavirus How COVID 19 is affecting services
University of Cumbria: Coronavirus How COVID 19 is affecting services
Lancaster and Morecambe College: Coronavirus How COVID 19 is affecting services
Please check with bus and rail operators’ websites before travelling, as they are operating reduced timetables due to reduced travel and staff absences.
Following changes to government guidance in England and Wales more seats are available on our buses and standing is allowed. There will also be more seats available in Scotland.
Please continue to wear a face covering throughout your journey, unless you’re exempt.
NoWcards: Anyone with a NoWcard pass or Disabled NoWcard in the Lancashire County Council area, Blackburn with Darwen and Blackpool can now also use it for free travel before 9.30am in the morning, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are over 70 or have a physical condition that makes you more vulnerable to COVID 19, or makes it more difficult for people who aren’t familiar with your needs to care for you if you get ill, you should not use Public Transport. Ask others to go for you if needed.
Network Rail: Coronavirus Northern Railway is operating an amended timetable to keep the country’s key workers on the move. Please only travel if absolutely necessary.
Nothern Railway: Coronavirus Essential travel information
Northern Railway: Keyworker Timetables
Avanti West Coast: Coronavirus Essential travel information
Local vets continue to observe government guidance on social distancing to protect customers and staff. Do not go to the surgery unless you have made an emergency appointment first. Check the web site of your vet for specific guidance.
Bay Vets on facebook
Baldrand House, Bowerham Road, Lancaster, Lancashire LA1 3AJ
Tel: 01524 32696 Email:
Web: (facebook is more regularly updated)
Burch Tree Vets
Surgeries in Carnforth and Morecambe
Tel: 01524 720002 Email:
Lanes Vets (Dimples)
Units 4 – 5 Lake Enterprise Court, Ladies Walk, Caton Road, Lancaster LA1 3NX
Tel: 01524 67777
Lost or found an animal?
Services may be unable to accept new animals at present due to COVID 19
Pets Lost and Found in Lancaster, Morecambe and Heysham on facebook
Cats Protection group has reduced its activities. See also on Facebook at Cats Protection, Lancaster & Morecambe
Animal Care is also on facebook
Blea Tarn Road, Scotforth, Lancaster, LA2 0RD
Tel: 01524 65495 Email:
visit their support group on facebook
Tel: 07931220094 Email:
National call-up to do support work for the NHS You can register here to volunteer your services – shopping and delivering essential items, delivering medical supplies, transporting medically fit-for-discharge patients, or being a phone friend, there’s plenty to do to help the NHS and save lives.
Lancaster Volunteer Centre – Apply Online Run by Lancaster & District CVS, who are recruiting and deploying volunteers across organisations.
Lancaster Acorn Coronovirus Community Support – volunteers needed to help with shopping, prescription collection, post etc for isolates. You can apply through their online form.
Eggcup Food Redistribution – delivers packs of donated food. Can you help? Visit them on Facebook too.