The Friends of the Triangle – a group dedicated to transforming the once derelict Triangle site at Aldcliffe Road into a pleasant area in Lancaster – organised a get together with a barbecue on the site on Saturday 17th May.

It was a tremendous success, with musicians mingling with the crowd, almost as though we had gone back in time to a more leisurely England.

Canal boats glided slowly by and people gathered in their summer clothes, in a most friendly carnival atmosphere.

Mingling and chatting with different groups was a most relaxing and pleasurable experience, an academic here, a plumber and his family of lovely laughing children there, A family from Cheshire sitting in the shade. “How is the Northern Reaches work progressing”? We hear.

By direct contrast, but somehow part of this idyllic scene, across the canal stands the old boat house and repair yard of British Waterways.

Empty sheds, the once proud Swan Mortuary and the erect crane, sentinel of a once busy site, soon to be modern housing.

While our canals are from a bygone age, but if there is a more leisurely way of life, more back to nature in our midst, then here is where we find it, for this is England, and a way of life worth preserving. Ends

• For more detailed information on Friends of the Triangle contact