People across Lancashire are being invited to share their views on how or whether they have been affected by the country’s recent economic problems. 

The survey is being run by Lancashire Fairness Commission, an independent body which aims to make recommendations for a fairer Lancashire by a critical examination of the inequalities across the county. 

By visiting, people can have their say on what needs to change for everyone to live well in Lancashire. In particular, the survey is looking at whether Lancastrians are able to make the most of their potential, and whether they have fair access to education, jobs, services and homes along with fair access to good quality enviro! nments and to financial resources. 

Other questions covered by the survey include whether life expectancy is influenced by social status, gender, sexuality, age, race, or where they live in the county. 

“This survey builds on the first one we launched in early September on ‘Starting Well’,” explained the Very Rev. Christopher Armstrong, Dean of Blackburn and independent chair of Lancashire Fairness Commission. “Our aim is to make sure everyone has the same opportunities no matter where they live in our county. 

“This survey is an important part of our plans to help us to understand and to improve fairness. 

“We recognise that issues such as where people live, family circumstances and incomes can all have a huge effect on a person’s ability to maximise their economic and social potential. 

“Your opinion is therefore very important to us, and every opinion counts. Please take a few minutes to fill in the online survey and help us to make sure Lancashire is a fairer place for everyone.” 

Lancashire Fairness Commission was established in June 2014 and will be getting evidence on the three themes of ‘Starting Well’, ‘Living Well’ and ‘Ageing Well’ over the next few months. 

As well as the independent chair, the commission includes representatives from Lancashire County Council; district councils; NHS organisations; other public, community and voluntary agencies; academics and local business leaders.