7388.jpgLancaster’s Animal Care charity on Lancaster’s Blea Tarn Road is looking for help at its Spring Fair on Friday 9th April 2010 at St Martin of Tours in Westgate, Morecambe. They need people to help run stalls, serve refreshments or bake some cakes for them to sell on the day.

If you want to help raise funds to keep cats like Mo here in cat food (or maybe you can just give him a new home?), volunteers should contact Animal Care via adminATanimalcare-lancaster.co.uk or telephone 01524 65495.

The charity reports it is also considering opening a shop in Lancaster; again, if this is something that might interest you, get in touch.

Animal Care has existed in various forms for over 30 years but as a registered charity since 1978. A few local animal lovers started to care for animals in their own homes when no-one else would help them and as the need for help increased so did the need for a permanent site to house the dogs, cats, rabbits, sheep, goats, horses and other animals desperately in need of care and attention.

In 1987, Blea Tarn Kennels were kindly donated to the charity and since then the many volunteers involved in the charity have helped improve the site so it is able to provide the best home until a forever home can be found for each and every animal.

7797.jpgAt any one time there can be up to 40 dogs/puppies (like poor old Rex, left), 70 cats/kittens, 50 rabbits, rodents, ferrets and other species at the centre while permanent homes are found for them. Occasionally the centre looks after wildlife that may need the interim care before it goes on to a specialist wildlife centre.

The charitable aims of the organisation are to help unwanted, stray and unloved animals and then to find them permanent homes with suitable owners. This in itself is becoming harder and harder as each year the centre get more and more abandoned and unwanted animals needing our help.

At present they have 30+ dogs on either the waiting list or stuck at local dog pounds waiting to come in.

• More about Animal Care at: www.animalcare-lancaster.co.uk

One Reply to “Animal Care seeks Spring Fair helpers”

  1. I am a volunteer at Animal Care and everyone there does a fantastic job for the homeless animals in their care. We currently have many cats over the age of 10 needing homes which we find very difficult to find for them. Please come and and take a look round the cattery and see if you could give any of our feline friends a new home. Thank you.

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