Cycling-Map-2010.jpgThe updated Lancaster and Morecambe Cycling and Walking Map is out now, showing all the routes across the district, including the rural areas.

Produced by Lancaster City Council, the map has been updated to include the new routes around Lancaster city centre.

Lancaster and Morecambe is one of 18 Cycle Demonstration Towns (CDT) across the country, aiming to increase cycling levels amongst locals and visitors alike. Since receiving this status, cycling levels across the district have risen by 25%.

It is hoped that the updated map, which is available from Lancaster and Morecambe Town Halls, visitor information centres and cycle shops, will encourage even more people to get on their bikes and show the rest of the country the cycling way.

• The map is also available online from or by contacting the Cycling Demonstration Town team on 01524 582392/582616 or

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