Santa Claus is coming to town… and he’s got company!

Lancaster is gearing up once again for the Santa Dash, which will see hundreds of
Santa’s and their trusty reindeer running, jogging, walking, rolling,
dancing, prancing and jingling all the way from Salt Ayre Sports Centre
into Market Square, to raise funds for local charity, CancerCare. The
short, flat route, approximately 1.5 miles is suitable for all ages and
abilities and is fully accessible for wheelchairs and pushchairs

Santa Dash returns on Sunday 4th December, the race will start at 11am, with registration opening at 10am.

Registration fees for pre-registered participants are as follows: Adult (over 11) £12.50; Child (11 or under) £7.50; Family (2 adults + up to 2 children) £30.00; and Adult group (max. 4) £40.00

suits for the big kids and reindeer antlers and noses for the under
11’s are included in the registration fee with all proceeds from the
event going to local charity, CancerCare.

If you would like to get involved in the festive fun run, download a registration form from, or contact the fundraising team on 01524 381820.

• For more information on the event, visit the Santa Dash 11 website: