The Eden Project has been awarded £50m in the second round of the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund to build the new Eden Project Morecambe
Celebrate New Year again – Chinese style!
There’s a second chance to celebrate the New Year in Lancaster later this month – Chinese style
Light Up Lancaster plans revealed, volunteers sought
Lancaster’s history will come alive in light art during Light up Lancaster, one of the city’s most popular free festivals this November.
Green Party take Warton in council by-election
The Green Party has won the local council by-election in Warton
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II – Details of local tributes
The Mayor of Lancaster, Councillor Joyce Pritchard, has paid tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and released details of local options to mark her passing, along with other local organisations
Vintage by the Sea proves a huge success
Morecambe was alive with music, dancing, street food and entertainment as more than 45,000 people celebrated classic design at the weekend when the award-winning Vintage by the Sea returned after a two-year Covid enforced absence
Consultants Counterculture to support the development of new local culture and heritage strategy
Lancaster City Council has appointed specialist consultants Counterculture to lead the development of its strategic vision for culture and heritage over the next 10 years
Eden Project North Levelling Up Fund bid for £50m submitted to Government
A bid for £50m of public investment in Eden Project North in Morecambe has been submitted to the Government’s Levelling Up Fund by Lancaster City Council
Unearth the quirky parts of Lancaster, thanks to a new online guide!
Lancaster City Council’s Love YOUR Lancaster campaign aims to encourage locals to look at their city with fresh eyes and a new online guide to its more unusual attractions is now available on the Visit Lancaster website
Organisations invited to get involved in unlocking £5.3 million of funding for the Lancaster district
Lancaster City Council has invited local organisations to become delivery partners and help shape a local Investment Plan for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund