Tony Cooke, a longtime and much appreciated musician in the Lancaster area, one of the original faces on Lancaster’s nascent folk scene in the 1970s, is back performing at The Golden Lion in May.

In recent years, Tony performed with Dave Emptage as The Duo, their performances much enjoyed locally – but Dave sadly died last year. Tony’s appearance at The Golden Lion in Lancaster on Sunday 4th May is one of several planned solo gigs.
“Since the passing of my dear friend and musical co-conspirator Dave Emptage in October of last year I have done some thinking,” Tony explains. “I shall carry on without Dave. ʼTis what I want and most definitely what he would have wanted and so I am going to do some solo gigs.
“A lot of my set will be Duo songs, but there will probably be no Simon and Garfunkel (how can you do those songs without the harmonies?) and very little Pink Floyd – but there will always be “Wish You Were Here”. Always.
“So, on Sunday 4th May 2025 in The Golden Lion, I will perform some songs for your entertainment, wellbeing and general songsingery. It’s a bank holiday weekend, so you probably have no school on Monday, eh? Please put the date in your diary now, then please come along, have a pint or something or so and join in.”
• Tony Cooke, Live 7.30pm – 9.30pm (or thereabouts), Sunday 4th May 2025, The Golden Lion, Moor Lane, Lancaster, LA1 1QD