Local councilors have organised a public meeting to discuss how to improve waste collection and recycling activities in terraced streets with back alleys.

The Bulk Ward Green Party has organised a public meeting on Wednesday 4th November at 6.30pm in the Gregson on Moor Lane in Lancaster, to give residents an opportunity to discuss problems they are having with bin and box storage and worries they have about threats of being fined for leaving bins in back alleys.

The local press has featured several stories about recycling bin issues, and the explosion of collecting boxes for different types of waste has met with criticism, especially from people with small yards “taken over” by the system.

The City Council officer in charge of the waste collection and recycling system, Mark Davies, will be present to answer questions from residents.

The County Council was asked to send an officer to the meeting to answer questions about back alleys and highways because these are the responsibility of the County Council. County declined this request.

“This meeting has been organised to give residents an opportunity to ask questions and discuss ways forward that will improve recycling efforts,” says one of the organisers, County Councillor Sam Riches, “and avoid confrontation with residents over threats of fines.

“I’m delighted that the city council has provided a senior officer to help with this discussion but disappointed that County declined.”