Bathing in Morecambe Bay has never been better, according to the Government.

Responding to a parliamentary question from local MP David Morris about improvements in water quality over the last 30 years, Richard Benyon, Under Secretary of State (Natural Environment and Fisheries), Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) told him bathing water quality in Morecambe has improved over the last 30 years as a result of significant investment – and it should improve further soon.

“The National Environment Programme that forms part of United Utilities’ Asset Management Plan for 2010-15 includes 10 schemes designed to improve bathing water quality in the Morecambe area,” he explained.

“Natural England and the Environment Agency have proposed a two-year partnership project on the lower River Lune estuary under DEFRA’s Catchment Sensitive Farming initiative. This would promote voluntary action by farmers and other land managers to tackle diffuse water pollution from agriculture.”

In addition, an urban diffuse pollution project by United Utilities is nearing completion, which examines surface water outfalls along the Heysham and Morecambe sea front and has highlighted several areas of concern that the Environment Agency is working closely with United Utilities to resolve.

All good news, it seems for local tourism and would-be bathers. Now we just need a decent summer to persuade us further!