Transport Solutions for Lancaster and Morecambe have issued a statement after Lord Justice Sullivan refused TSLM permission to appeal against the decision to allow the Heysham M6 Link Road to go ahead.

“Our case against the road remains strong, persuasive and reasonable”, said David Gate on behalf of the local campaign group which has consistently argued for alternative and cheaper measures to ease traffic congestion.

”The legal system has failed the local community and common sense, and has failed to carry out its long term primary duty to check abuse on the part of central and local government,” he feels.

”TSLM is very proud indeed to have taken a central role over nine years in defending the interests of all those who will be damaged by this unnecessary road, and in pointing out the deep flaws in the case for the road, and the strong arguments for the alternatives to the road.

”TSLM has always been very clear, on the basis of professional advice, that the road  will not deliver jobs or relief from congestion, and at £43 million per mile of road is a huge waste of money that could and should be spent on the clear, alternative measures that will create jobs and solve congestion problems.

“This failure of public policy has produced an expensive, destructive and  ultimately useless new road

”Finally we lay down a challenge to the County Council.  County has made frequent claims about the importance of this road for creating jobs, relieving congestion and growing the port of Heysham. It has rejected our arguments that these claims are baseless. 

“We ask that County now carries out a monitoring exercise to produce data so that five years after opening we can assess whether or not these claims were true.”

4 Replies to “Case Against M6 Link remains strong, legal system has failed local community say campaigners”

  1. Absolute rubbish. You can oppose road building in general and see that the by-pass is an absolute necessity.

    It should have been built like 30 years ago. It's holding the area back.

  2. "…strong, persuasive and reasonable"

    Except it wasn't strong enough to win, failed to persuade many people (I personally know many people who are for the road and a grand total of zero people who are against it) and it isn't reasonable because you have failed to come up with any reasonable alternatives.

    You've lost. You've cost the rate & tax payers millions of pounds and NIMBY's rarely represent the best interests of the community.

  3. The County Council's failure to run the planning side of the road scheme properly cost a lot of money, too. They aren't exactly covering themselves in glory over this but they don't like to be reminded of the mistakes they have made.

  4. This is truly wonderful news.Rejoice! Rejoice!
    Seriously,lets hope that L.C.C. can recover the £2.6 million legal costs from David Gate and his mates in TSLM,and Lush.

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