Lancaster City Council has voted to tell North Lancahire Primary Care Trust that they do not want artificial fluoride added to the drinking water of residents in this district. A full report Can be found here on the Council web site (PDF).
“I think that people should have the choice as to whether they use fluoride and that it should not be used as a mass medication,” said Coun Jon Barry, who proposed the motion to reject artificial fluoridation.

“I’m particularly concerned by the increase in fluorisis in children’s teeth in areas that are fluoridated – and also by the possibility of more serious effects such as cancer and brittle bones in the elderly. I hope that the Primary Care Trust take notice of the City Council’s decision.”

Dr Paul Connett, who is vehemently opposed to fluoridation, recently visited Southampton to join campaigners there to add his voice to the consultation on plans to add fluoride to that city’s tap water.

“Fluoridation is an American crackpot idea from the 1950s,” he told the local paper the Daily Echo. “…“Fluoride causes health problems, damaging the bones and the brain.

“There have also been 23 studies done in China, India, Iran and Mexico showing fluoride lowers IQ levels in children. “

Findings by the World Health Organisation appear to show that the world’s few ‘fluoridated’ countries have no greater tooth cavity reduction then the majority that abstain from fluoridation. In the USA there is apparently no relationship in a single state showing fluoridation reduces cavities.

This is not the first time the City Council has rejected plans for fluoride in the water, joining other councils such as Pendle and the Isle of Man. The Council passed an anti-fluoride motion at full council in July 2003 proposed by John Whitelegg.

Quite coincidentally, the Council has just voted to drop bottled water in favour of tap water at meetings!

Fluoride Alert (Anti)
Fight Against Fluoride (Anti)
UK Against Fluoride (Anti)
British Fluoridation Society (Pro)