Updated: 4/4/11. Readers will be pleased to know that Twiggy has been safely returned. Thanks for your help!

Have you seen Twiggy? She is a small grey striped tabby cat who has been missing from her home in Regent Street, Lancaster, since Wednesday. Twiggy was a rescue kitten nursed back to health by her lifetime sidekick Jeff, who is worried sick about her. Because of her difficult start in life she is small, and often mistaken for a kitten (she is 7).

She is very friendly. She is also very curious and agile and loves to visit where she finds an open door, window or vehicle! It’s possible she may be shut into a shed, garage, empty house or cellar, or may have hitched a ride with an unsuspecting driver, so please could you check if you have any of these.

She has a white tummy and was wearing a yellow collar with a medal giving her address and phone. She can be handled safely and gently as she doesn’t bite or scratch (she can be a bit wriggly tho). If you think you have seen her or you know where she is, please can you phone xxx so she can be collected, wherever she is. There is a reward for her return.