Tuesday 8 March is International Women’s Day (IWD), and the Lancaster group organising the celebrations would like your photos of women who have made an impact on your life, for a special exhibition, titled ‘Women Like Us’ at the Gregson, opening on the evening of IWD and showing until the end of March.

Lancaster Women @ The Gregson (WAGs) will create an artwork from all your photos. You may also wish to include a short description. The exhibition is for everyone and WAGs want men to send photos of women that have made an impact in their life as well.

Photographs are needed by 20 February to give them time to create the artwork. If you have a photograph to contribute please send it to Ali at a.platt@lancaster.ac.uk or Carole at carolehunt@fsmail.net Photographs can also be dropped off at the Gregson Centre in a special collection box there marked ‘Women Like Us Project’.
As they can’t be returned, clear photocopies (b&w or colour) are fine.

On Saturday 12 March the WAGs are holding a celebratory IWD ‘Jacob’s Join’ meal and screening of ‘Woman: Whose Canvas?’ at 7pm in the Olive Bar, upstairs at the Gregson.

New Shoes Theatre will present ‘Hurried Steps’ at the Dukes DT3 on Friday 11 March at 7.30pm. Written in association with Amnesty International, Hurried Steps has ignited a global debate about the impact of violence against women. A panel discussion follows the performance.
All are welcome to these events.

As 70% of the spending cuts are aimed at women’s purses and jobs, Lancaster Women Against the Cuts (WAC) is also planning a seminar that week for women exploring the implications of the cuts for women. Speakers and time to be confirmed. See the Virtual-Lancaster events listings for updated information, or the WAC Facebook page.