Following a successful launch meeting earlier this month, the Lancaster Group of the Friends of Chernobyl’s Children has been formed.

The group is affiliated to the registered charity Friends of Chernobyl’s Children GB which launched in 1994 and its aim is to bring a group of disadvantaged children to Lancaster in summer 2011 from the areas of Belarus which are still suffering from the radioactive fallout of 1984, for a month of recuperative care.

The children are brought over for a month each year for five consecutive years and this helps fight the damage to their immune systems caused by a constant diet of contaminated food.

Friends of Chernobyl’s Children GB has 33 groups around the country and brings several hundred children to the UK each year. The Lancaster Group will be the 34th.

• If you are interested in helping in any way, as potential host families or in the fund raising or organisation, then please contact Mike Cowan at

• For more information about Friends of Chernobyl’s Children GB visit