Lancaster teenager Lucas Button is following in the footsteps of Olivier, Branagh, Tennant and Law when he takes on one of Shakespeare’s most famous roles – Hamlet – at The Dukes this April.

17–year-old Lucas Button is taking all the attention in his stride, however, along with the A-Levels and BTecs he’s studying for at Queen Elizabeth School, Kirkby Lonsdale.

Since he was chosen to play Hamlet in September, Lucas has been preparing for a role which will see him performing in the round for the first time from April 16-20.

And though still a teenager, Lucas has a wealth of theatrical experience behind him which started when he played Tiny Tim in a Dukes production of A Christmas Carol when he was 10.

“That was the spark that set off my love for performing,” said Lucas who turns 18 shortly after he plays Hamlet.

Lucas secured a National Youth Theatre placement in London last summer and will be attending East 15 drama school in Essex from the autumn.

He  has appeared in The Dukes outdoor play of Peter Pan in 2010 and in many youth productions, and in last year’s acclaimed show The Unsociables.

It’s the same team – The Dukes Young Actors & Young Company – who are behind this new production.

This will be Hamlet like you’ve never seen before. Set in 2013, it promises to be a vibrant, contemporary and captivating show with a bloodthirsty and heady mix of drama and a stunning soundtrack performed live by The Dukes Young Musicians.

And Lucas will be at the centre of this modern revenge thriller. “It’s a pretty daunting role to take on. I’d never studied Hamlet so I’ve watched the RSC’s production starring David Tennant and other films of the play.”

Lucas has worked closely with director Louie Ingham and the rest of the company to develop his own interpretation of this iconic role and though The Dukes version will be abridged at 90 minutes long, none of the famous lines will be missing.

During the play, Lucas will be joined on stage by a company of up to 30 young people as well as a live band playing on the balcony.

Hamlet, which is recommended for anyone aged 11 plus,  runs from 16-20th April and there will be a post show talk-back after the performance on 16th April. To book tickets priced £8/£6 concessions, ring The Dukes box office on 01524 598500 or visit