Lancaster City Council is inviting everyone to share their views on the future design and development of Happy Mount Park with a drop-in session at the park on Thursday 29th August.

Earlier this year, as part of the first stage in creating a masterplan for the park, the council held a number of events in the park gather the views of park users on how the park could look in ten years time.

A drop in session will take place in the park between 12.30pm and 3.30pm where people will be able to view a large model map of the park and have the opportunity to attach their views on the plans to develop ideas further.

“The continued support of local people at these events is crucial in developing a plan for the park which includes the sort of facilities and attractions everyone truly wants,” explains Councillor David Smith, Cabinet member with responsibility for parks and open spaces.

“The park means different things to different people and we want to capture all of these diverse experiences and views.

“We also want to know what attracts people to the park both from within the district and from further afield and what they would like it to look like in the future.”

The ideas put forward at the event will be collated by members of the park’s new Friends Group and be used to further develop the masterplan. There will be further opportunities for people to have their say once the masterplan starts to come together.