
Two local comic artists have contributed to an independent comic inspired by the humble pasty.

Celebrating this lunch time staple of Cornish miners, students and many others (yet ruined by many a bakery who have no idea what a Cornish pasty really should taste like), indie British creator Rob Jackson has just launched the 28-page The Pasty Anthology, which features contributions from Rob himself, Judge Dredd Magazine writer Matt Badham, Jim Medway,
Steve Butler, Francesca Cassavetti – and local artists Dave Hughes and Ant Mercer.

The Pasty Anthology available from Rob’s web site, priced only £2.50 (PayPal accepted), free postage in the UK.

“I mentioned a random idea on my blog for a Pasty based story (‘The Story of Greggs’ – which was a Viz-style story, thinking of those pages in Viz every so often that are called things like ‘The Story of Honey’ or ‘How We Get Milk’),” explains Rob of the anthology’s origins.

It was our local talent who persuaded Rob to turn the idea into a comic – and tucked into drawing for it with gusto. “Dave Hughes was very keen and started drawing pages for it,” Rob reveals, “so I thought I’d better actually make it.”

Dave has previously created comics inspired by Morecambe and the North, which can be bought at First Age in the Assembly Rooms on King Street, while, in addition to his art, Ant Mercer ran a comics convention in Williamson Park back in 2006. The pair are just two of several established creators who live locally, including Marvel Comics writer Andy Diggle, ROK Comics editor John Freeman, artist Paul Harrison-Davies and others. In fact, the number of comics creatives in our area may well lead to some comics events next year.

Rob admits it’s pasties are a pretty off-the-wall theme for a comic, “but everyone likes them. I was happily surprised at how all the artists have gone for very different takes on the vague theme.

Rob tells us he hopes his fans and newcomers to his work and the other creators will enjoy the title, which he’s been working on since February. “It’s very funny,” he enthuses, “and has lots of very diverse stories.”

Despite creating a Pasty Anthology, Rob admits he’s never made one of his own. “Cheese and onion is my favourite, or Greggs Vegetable pasty,” he admits, “but Dave Hughes

• Sample Pages and more info on Rob’s blog: