2009826_80288333.jpgLancaster University’s Nuffield Theatre hosts a solo show with five performers on 21st October – four of which are audience members.

Oliver Bray, known to Nuffield audiences from his work with Until Thursday Theatre Company is performing solo in a new work, Villa, based around a Russian family’s tragic story of loss. Exploring British naivety, philosophical wordplay and Chekhov, it’s described as a foray into Eastern Europe that subtly upsets narrative conventions.

“Some of you will be implicated, directly,” says Bray. “Some of you will enjoy the story, a bit. Some of you will be amused. But know this – I’m on my own, my suit is sharp and someone is going to have to sit in those chairs.”

Until Thursday have been making theatre performances for six years with productions that include the fragmented and boozy We Should Have Stood Still, the best selling and Hip Hoppy Droppin’ Shoppin’ and the bitter-sweet, politically ignorant It’s a Question of Taste.

Oliver Bray: Villa – 8.00pm 8pm, Wednesday 21 October 2009. Tickets: £10 / £7 concessions. Age recommendation: 16+

• There are a limited number of free tickets available for this performance to those aged 16-25. Please contact the Nuffield box office on 01524 594151 (24 hour answerphone) for further details.