The Green Party’s economics spokesperson Molly Scott Cato will be giving a talk entitled Surviving and Thriving in a Recession at the Borough Pub, Dalton Square, Lancaster on Tuesday 11th November at 7.30pm.

The meeting will also see the local launch of the Green New Deal – a plan to tackle the ‘triple crunch’ of credit, oil prices and climate change originally launched in September at the Green Party’s national conference.

In addition to her role as Party spokesperson on economics, green economist Molly Scott Cato is also an expert on the social economy, who specialises in the issues of trade, work, money and cooperatives. She is a Senior Lecturer in the Social Economy at the Cardiff School of Management and Director of the Welsh Institute for Research into Cooperatives. Her book, Green Economics: An Introduction to Theory, Policy and Practice was published by Earthscan late last year.

Cato is a member of the Steering Committee of the No to the Euro Campaign against the single European currency, which the Green Party opposes.

“As the recession looms nearer, we need some good news on the economic front,” says Green Party Chair Melanie Forrest. “Everyone is welcome to come along and hear a green view of how to get out of the economic crisis.”

Addressing the current financial crisis on her blog recently in a post titled “No Sustainability without Equity”, Cato argues Britain is in a “fairly well-protected position relative to our sisters and brothers in the South.

“Because we sit at the high table of corporate capitalism, we can expect an acceptable deal. It will include a lifetime of servitude to pay off recently acquired mega-debts but is unlikely to include starvation and war – at least in the immediate future.

“This unjust and inequitable settlement has severe implications for the planet. While the world’s powerful nations ensure for themselves a share that is far more than those in the South, it is also far more than the planet can sustain.”