The Dukes in Lancaster has received a vital grant from Victoria Wood Foundation to facilitate their continued monthly work with Young Carers across Lancashire, in association with Barnardo’s Lancashire Young Carers.

“Working with The Dukes has been invaluable for our Young Carers,” says Hayley Ranicar, Lancashire Young Carers Service. “They helped us to not only raise awareness through supporting us to deliver CPD workshops, but by enabling our young people to enjoy some time out from their caring responsibilities to have fun, learn new skills, watch live theatre and most of all, be seen and valued.
“We are very much looking forward to continuing our important work with The Dukes, developing new and exciting opportunities for Young Carers at a time where community cohesion, recognition and support is vital.”
“Our renewed funding from the Victoria Wood Foundation safeguards our work with Young Carers across the region,” commented Carl Woodward, Head of Creative Communities, “and its continued reach out into communities across the county, especially now.
“And vitally, we are providing resource to build their confidence and wellbeing. We know the tangible difference that captivating young audiences can make.”
Funded through Lancashire County Council and East Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group, Barnardo’s Lancashire Young Carers are the commissioned service for Lancashire with the responsibility for assessing all Young Carers across the County. They support Young Carers under the age of 18 who provide regular and ongoing care and emotional support to a family member who is physically or mentally ill, disabled or misuses substances and are significantly affected by their caring role.
The Victoria Wood Foundation was set up after the death of the award-winning actress, comedian and writer, and supports the work of many arts organisations across the UK.
• For more information or to get involved, please visit this page on The Dukes web site or contact rachel@dukeslancaster.org