The Duo – from folk to Floyd are back in Lancaster in October, performing at the Golden Lion on Moor Lane, Lancaster on Saturday 9th October 2021.

As we’ve previously mentioned, The Duo – singers and guitarists Dave Emptage and Tony Cooke, offering an evening of varied music and songs – have taken the 21st Centruy by the horns by publishing a taste of some of their performances on YouTube thanks to Gorgeous Media. You’ll will find The Duo monkeying about with guitars, and stuff…

The gig will start as usual at 9.00pm (ish) and end at 11.15pm (ish).

Be aware there may be some anti-Covid measures in place. The Duo shall ask and inform. But perhaps you’d like to put the date in your diary and consider joining them for a pint, a listen and maybe even a sing? What ho!