Carnforth ccouncillor Tony Johnson has condemned proposals by the Council to close rural toilets.

“An alliance of the Greens and the Conservatives on Lancaster City Council have ‘saved’ the community swimming pools,” the Conservative councillor notes in response to the announced proposals for £1.7 million of budget cuts.

“What a pity the Greens did not see fit to support the Conservatives and ‘save’ the rural toilets!

“In the rural areas we have few facilities supplied by the City Council,” the councillor, who would prefer Council to be less divisive and more inclusive according to his web site, says. “We even had to buy the bricks to build the Carnforth swimming pool in the first place!”

Johnson argues the decision to close toilets without any replacement in place is particularly improvident.

“In Carnforth the sub post office at Highfield Road was recently closed despite public protest, and anyone collecting a pension now has a long journey from the Estate,” Johnson, who is a member of the Carnforth Area Regeneration Partnership, continues. “This means that if a toilet is required there is nowhere one can go (as I get older, I know where all the local toilets are!) without making a purchase.

“‘Waiting’ until arrangements are (possibly) made next year is simply an inconvenience that is unacceptable.”

The closure plan has been called in for scrutiny (see news story) before a final decision is made at the Council’s budget meeting on 4th March.