UNISON has welcomed news that the majority of the external funding partners for some 170 plus Police Community Support Officers have found the funding within their severely and savagely cut budgets to continue with the provision of Police Community Support Officers within their communities to enable the greatly valued and appreciated work that they do jointly with the Constabulary to continue.

This means there will be  compulsary redundancies for PCSOs – a possibility that outraged many and saw local MP David Morris take action in Parliament to oppose their loss.

“This is the news that our PCSO members and communities have been waiting for,” said Branch Secretary Maureen Le Marinel, “but we must not forget that we have other UNISON members across all the Public Services in Lancashire that may not be in the same position. 

“Local Authorities have had a difficult task in setting their budgets due to the austerity cuts placed upon them by this Government,” she added, “and some staff will find themselves out of work because of them and this UNISON Branch sends a message of support to those Public Sector Workers in that position.

“We believe that the campaign run by this branch in raising the awareness of MP’s, Peers, Councillors and the Communities of Lancashire has had a significant impact in the decision making process and we thank them for their support.

“The most important and positive message that can be given now is that there will not be a need for ‘Compulsory Redundancy’ as first feared.  Although uncertainty still remains for PCSO’s in the future, given the Home Office has only provided a guarantee of funding for two years and the external partners have provided funding in a mix of one and two years, however these decisions will allow for further work to be carried out in this area of Neighbourhood Policing and the value that PCSO’s brings to it.”

Maureen has thanked all PCSO’s for their patience in what has been a very difficult time for all concerned but notes the campaign is ongoing.

“The work will not stop we will continue to work to ensure the continuation of the role of PCSO within Lancashire Constabulary long into the future not just the next two years.”