Local supporters of Palestine will be holding a vigil in Lancaster tomorrow, to remember those killed on the aid flotilla on their way to Gaza on Monday.

The vigil will take place at 12 noon outside NEXT on Penny Street.

At 4.30am local time, armed Israeli troops boarded one of the boats in the Free Gaza Flotilla which was carrying construction supplies, medical equipment and schoolbooks to Gaza, in an attempt to break the siege which Israel imposed on Gaza over 1080 days ago.

IndyMedia reports that some 35 UK citizens were aboard the boats, which carried activists from over 50 countries. The boats were reportedly 80 miles off the coast of Gaza, and many on the boats were said to be asleep when Israeli troops opened fire with machine guns, leaving at least 16 dead. Many wounded have reportedly been taken to Israeli hospitals.

Israel is on a media offensive claiming that its troops were attacked first. Even if it were true, they would need to explain why they were boarding a ship flying a Turkish flag in International waters.

The UN Security Council has called for for impartial, credible investigation of Israeli Boat Raid, which as been widely condemned. The council agreed to language condemning the acts that resulted in the deaths and injuries aboard the Turkish vessel Mavi Marmara and the European Campaign’s vessel Spendoni.

A demonstration was held outside Downing Street yesterday afternoon and Stop the War had already called a demo for this afternoon at 2.00pm outside Downing Street.

More about the Vigil on Facebook here

Free Gaza Flotilla