Lancaster’s Assembly Rooms – actually part of Lancaster Market’s offering, but nestling between the city’s famous alms houses and Crows Restaurant on the other side of King Street – is holding a Vintage Fair this Saturday (28th May).

Stall holders hope this will continue to help promote this lesser-known part of thr market, which recently got a boost thanks to the success of Free Comic Book Day activities organised by First Age Comics.

The Assembly Rooms is a hidden gem of Lancaster’s market offer – a heritage building full of stalls selling antiques, retro and vintage clothing and collectibles to fascinate either the obsessive or the investor.

Clara’s Vintage Boutique, Bebe Babette, Bab’s Antiques and Wonders Fair Trade will all be offering 10% off on the day.

The Assembly Tea Rooms is also on hand, selling home made dishes and hot drinks to slake your appetite while you take a break from shopping or work.