Voters are being asked to comment on future polling arrangements in the Heysham Central ward.

Lancaster City Council is reviewing its arrangements for voters on election day and is looking for feedback on a set of proposals it has drawn up for the area.

The city council is proposing that the Heysham Central Ward is divided into two polling districts.

Using the centre of Heysham Road as a dividing line, it is proposed that all properties located on the seaward side of the ward would form one polling district and would vote at Heysham Library.

All properties on the non-seaward side of the ward would form a separate polling district and would vote at Mossgate Primary School.

Comments are invited from electors and other interested bodies on this proposal and any suggested alterations.

For more information on how to take part in the review visit

• Submissions can be made in writing to: Polling Review, Lancaster City Council, Elections Office, Town Hall, Dalton Square, Lancaster LA1 1PJ or by email to