If you go down to the woods today.. take the new Williamson Park Woodland Walk leaflet!

Everyone is invited to come along to Williamson Park in Lancaster and explore its woodland with the help of a new Woodland Walk leaflet.

The free leaflet provides a fun way of exploring the Fenham Carr area of the park and spotting the variety of trees, wild flowers and creatures that live there. There are hints and tips of what you might find during your walk, depending on the season. The leaftet won’t tell you what they are – but how to tell them apart.

The walk is less than a mile in length and takes about 30 minutes to complete. It follows the pathways around Fenham Carr taking in Fenham Wood, the reservoir and Bowland View.

The trail will take you on a journey through continuous belts of woodland and meadow-like glades that provide a rich habitat for woodland animals.

Discover the history of this corner of the park and how it has changed over the years.

The ‘Woodland Walk’ leaflet has been funded by the Forestry Commission and is available from the park’s gift shop and also to download from the right hand sidebar at  www.lancaster.gov.uk/williamsonpark