Local groups in the Lancaster and Morecambe area are being invited to apply to The Galbraith Trust, which has now distributed over £250,000 to local organisations since it began.

The trust, set up in 2001 from the estate of Ian Galbraith – the former city hardware store owner – offers funding for local voluntary and community groups for a variety of purposes.

Previous grants have helped groups with items such as funding for equipment or transport, or for community festivals and events.

The Trust is once again inviting applications from local voluntary and community groups for purposes which the trustees feel are of benefit to the organisation and to the local community.

The Galbraith Trust makes grants to organisations (not individuals) for any charitable purpose, and the maximum which can be applied for is £3,000. There are four rounds per year and the next closing date is 17th July 2009, with decisions at the end of July.

• Forms and guidelines are available from Penny Darby at Lancaster District CVS, telephone (01524) 555900 (ext. 32), or can be downloaded directly by visiting the LDCVS website at http://www.lancastercvs.org.uk and clicking on ‘Funding’