The first meeting of Morecambe Parish Council will take place on Thursday 18th June.

26 newly elected parish councillors will meet at Morecambe Town Hall at 7.00pm to discuss matters such as the Council’s budget for the next year, funding for local Police Community Support Officers, consider whether to allow “public participation” sessions at the beginning of meetings and decide whether the Council wishes to ask the City Council for permission to use the Armorial Bearings of the former Morecambe and Heysham Borough Council on letterheads and civic regalia.

Councillors will first elect a chairman and vice-chairman for the forthcoming year before moving on to discuss items including the 2009/10 budget and appointment of working groups.

The public is welcome to attend the meeting.

One Reply to “Morecambe Parish Council to hold first meeting”

  1. There was one reference to the use of the civic insignia for Morecambe. The MBIs use it already. Nobody mentioned the irony that the Council has to request persmission to use it but the political party uses it without request. They must feel they have a right to use it.

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